Living in God's Word

These are some useful websites in your pursuit of God's Word.



Welcome to Living in God’s Word!  It is my hope that this website will be a help to you in your studies of God’s Word.
God’s Word is living, breathing, and relevant to our walk with God.  Without his word, we are an anchorless boat adrift on a perilous sea.  God’s word not only teaches us how to love and serve him, but it reveals his voice to us.  By spending time in scripture we teach our hearts to hear the sound of his soft voice speaking to us.  When we learn to discern his quiet voice from all of the clamoring of the world around us, we can hear him speak truth, love and understanding to us.  Only through spending time in scripture can we truly come to hear the voice of our Lord and Savior who calls us to be his friends, brothers and sisters in his Kingdom.

Below you will find links to the recent studies I’ve written.  If you miss one of our Bible study classes, you can print out the notes from the lesson we covered and the related materials for our studies.  If you can’t join us regularly, but would like to do the study, you can access the homework assignments and do the study independently.

Who Do You Say I Am?
(Part I)
Who Do You Say I Am?
(Part 2)
Signs of Glory:
Grace & Truth
James: Living Faith
Letters to the Seven
Churches of Revelation
Exodus King David Empowered by the Spirit
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