Living in God's Word

The Letters to the Seven Churches of Revelation

MenoraThe Seven Letters to the Seven Churches in the Book of Revelation are the only epistles in the Bible to be composed by Jesus.  While each of these churches existed in a specific time and place in history, the message contained in each letter is relevant and applicable to the body of Christ today.  These long over-looked epistles containing the Word of God are timeless.  Jesus’ messages to these churches speak with a living and active authority to issues concerning the modern church, as well as, to the historic churches to whom they are addressed.  The first image we experience of Jesus in the Book of Revelation is of him walking and moving among the churches, evaluating their activities and motives of the heart, nothing is hidden from him.  Each of the letters we will study present a timely message of encouragement and hope in an era faced with  accusations of intolerance, ostracism, and persecution based on a persistent faith in the everlasting God and divinity of Jesus Christ.  Join us as we uncover God’s blessings and instruction through these letters.

Cover to The Letters to the Seven Churches book The Letters to the Seven Churches by Elizabeth Knapp
Paperback – September 3, 2018

ISBN-10: 1727031822
ISBN-13: 978-1727031829

Who Do You Say I Am?
(Part I)
Who Do You Say I Am?
(Part 2)
Signs of Glory:
Grace & Truth
James: Living Faith
Letters to the Seven
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